# Transpile

The compilation target of this library and related dependencies is defaults browserlist (opens new window), covering 90% of browsers. If you need to be compatible with more browsers, you need to add related dependencies to the transpile list. The following solution also applies to other third-party dependencies.

This library and related dependencies provide es6, commonjs, umd build results. vue-cli and Nuxt use es6 files by default. But their babel config do not compile third-party dependencies by default, so the compiled result will include es6 syntax, which will cause syntax errors in older browsers, such as ie11. Follow is the solution.

# vue-cli

Add related dependencies in transpileDependencies of vue.config.js.

module.exports = {
  TranspileDependencies: ['he-tree-vue', 'helper-js', 'draggable-helper', 'vue-functions', 'drag-event-service'],

# nuxt

Add related dependencies in build.transpile of nuxt.config.js.

module.exports = {
  build: {
    transpile: ['he-tree-vue', 'helper-js', 'draggable-helper', 'vue-functions', 'drag-event-service'],